The Solar Sisters

The Solar Sisters have been singing environmentalist songs for more than 10 years. They are also called the Environmental folks. They use songs as a way to educate and aware people about environmental issues and encourage them to save our common planet. Their songs reflect different environmental issues, problems and offer suggestions.

I was so pleased with their songs which they performed during the 13th Annual Seeds Celebration and Sustainable Community Fare 2017 at Keene, NH. Both the singers (Names) have been writing and singing songs and inspiring people to live a sustainable life. They performed some of their songs like ‘Fuel Station’ and ‘Gram’ which were focused on sustainable living. Their songs were so thoughtful which make any listeners think about the environment. I really appreciate their effort to change the mindset of people on adopting environmental friendly habits and choices to make a sustainable living.

I take their suggestion to be thoughtful while using resources. One of the singers suggested that we don't need a hair dryer to dry our hair, we can dry with the sunlight. I think it was a very mindful suggestion. I personally never use a hair drier to dry my hair. I think we have more alternative ways to dry our hair. If we could choose natural sunlight to dry our hair over electric hair drier, somehow, we would contribute to saving the energy and living a sustainable life.

The Solar Sisters are spreading their rays to educate, aware and inspire people to make a mindful decision and live a sustainable life which can save our environment. I am very inspired by their effort to bring the change in people and the environment. 


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